I don't know why, but for for last few days these words are echoing in my mind "i want to be in my labyrinth of silence". Honestly I didn't know what do these words mean... even literally. I thought labyrinth was some narrow pathway. Probably, i got this idea from Biology lessons of human physiology, structure of human ear. So, I was quite surprised that a word is hitting me again and again, and I don't really know what it means.
And, it was strange that I, in all the clutter surrounding me, was looking for some introspective time, and these words kept coming back to me. So, i felt like writing about it and only then did I google search it. And this is what I got :
"Labyrinths are geometric forms that define sacred space. They have been around for over 4000 years and are contained in every major religion. To walk the path is to make a pilgrimage that calms the mind so the person can reflect on the journey of life.
The centre is surrounded by 6 petals said to symbolise mineral, vegetable, animal, human, angelic and the divine. Some believe labyrinths were used to track lunar months and depict the orbit of the Mercury.
Walking into the centre of the labyrinth is the period of letting go, calming and empting oneself. The centre is for determining what it is that one actually requires from life and walking out is for gathering together oneself and experiencing wholeness and integration. [Adapted from writings by M. Crosby] " Content courtesy this site.

Then, here I got the symbolic meaning of the word ' labyrinth'. What I understood that is that walking in a labyrinth, you spend time introspecting, and somewhere you can connect to yourself. So, a path created like that called labyrinth is actually something you can create in your mind too.... doing the same thing in your mind.
I don't know whether I can actually afford to go so quiet, but there is something in me, which is forcing me to go silent somewhere.... may be I am already silent on some level.
It's a strange thing, when you are talking with people, working in office, teaching your kids and still silent, inside.
Does that happen to you too?
take care
PS: Am sorry dear pals, I'm just not able to read your blogs.... hope u'll understand.
If I had to choose, I would choose a silent recluse devoid of sound for my heart and mind. A place that soothes the senses, and in the openness of that place, I would weave my labyrinthine ideas and thought flows to reach at least some where. :)
Blasphemous Aesthete
Catchy Title... It does, like a magnet, attract readers to it...and well written too.. but i felt, Crosbey's definition stretched a bit...
anyhow.. I dont agree with you when you say, one needs to create those labyrinths in your mind.. you made it sound positive....though yeah, this happens to everyone...
on the contraray, i think, though one needs time for self-introspection, silence towards others..as also silence towards oneself for an extended period will do no good... rather, have spells of self-introspection,say, daily half-an-hour...
It do happen... but this fact is inspiring that we can think about every small thing and expres it... I liked it :)
Restless - consider yourself lucky.. probably have been touched by a hand from beyond. Key is to manifest that silence as an experience of joy and bliss as opposed to a feeling of emptiness. Its a blessing if its the former.. curse if its the latter.
BA - u express very well. I guess the heart makes all the right noises, it's the mind which creates clutter. So don't let ur heart go quiet. take care.
Book worm - ya may be. But sometimes we don't choose to be introspective, something/ many things make us do that.... I think the greatest of things which happen to us are the one's which we could not CHOOSE. think parents,think love etc.
Deepika - thanks dear.
Desh - I too feel what u said.
Yes, emptiness is devastating.....thankfully... it's not that.
thanks for ur kind words.
now this definition of labyrinth was quite confusing, i was better off with the bio one!
but I do understand what u mean to say..yes! there are times when silence is a blessing. its like a need of our soul and we should adhere to it...
what about silence among loved ones..? does it mean live and let live..? or does it mean,i accept you the way you are..and you accept me the way i am...? in that way.. silence can mean a blessing.. Noise happens when you want to impress yourself among others...
Book worm - u r talking of an entirely different silence.... that is in relationships....
Is it possible to go silent with our loved one's?? let me ask you. If there is, then it's merely a transaction. You trade peace of mind with some calculated silence. What else?
oh..that silence is about compromises...adjustments...is that what you are talking about..? well. i meant something else..
what i mean.. is.. in relationships.. we talk to a person.. so as to engage him/her.. to get our ideas through... and then.. once we feel.. we no longer need to get the attention of the person.. silence takes over.. it means.. this is accepting each other... not compromising
Book worm - yeah initially i thought so.
right, that accepting silence can be comforting.
But here i was talking about something else.
New to your space but agreed to the labyrinth of silence. I think we need to walk to such a space time n again! It helps....a lot.
Silence inside is nothing wrong....may be its a state of mind which brings our restlessness to a stop....and provides a greater meaning to life.
Keep Smiling :)
If one can connect to self even while doing daily chores it is what we may call attaining the ultimate form of meditation because that is when one views own life from outside. That gives true picture of what one is and what one should have been. I do this at times when I need to find correct path to solve what I face.
Take care
MMM....I got what you said...Perhaps, thats why Marcus Aurelius famously said..."Nowhere can man find a quieter or more untroubled retreat than in his own soul...".
Yeah, simply said, it is some quality and not quantity time that we need to spend, away from other people, distractions etc, to be alone with ourselves and our thoughts. Well said..
It's happening to me now Restless!! I know deep inside silences has taken control my life for the moment. It happens to all in a stage I guess....Take care.........
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