My facebook wall reads "It's hard to believe that you are growing another year older, as you still maintain the spirit of a teenager". It was just a day before my birthday, ie yesterday, when I found this little scribbling on the wall (well literally!) And , yeah I smiled ear to ear.......... rather, I grinned, thinking "how lovely it feels to a woman reading a thing like this!!" But wait a second, what does it mean "only in spirit" huh! and what about looks?! Forget it! But, then I read this sms sent by my brother "tum umar chor ho" (roughly meaning, you don't seem to age!), am absolutely glad and brimming joy.
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Happy Birthday to Me! |
Yes, today I've turned 36 and it's fun! I think it gets better as you age! I mean, a woman is much in control of her life around this age. She knows what she wants in life and also knows how to balance-out various aspects of her personal and professional life.
Moreover, I feel a marked change, which I guess is a generational shift! Do you remember how our parents felt about their birthday? I'm sure most of time there was no celebration, in fact, they hardly bothered about it. And mostly, they thought birthday celebrations etc are for kids and not for them, the grown ups.
From that point of view, I don't seem to have grown up!! I'm still so excited about my birthday! No way can I tell my kids " Oh, mama's birthday, leave it, I'm old enough for that" (!) On the contrary, I've bought new dress for myself and made sure I get a good bouquet of roses early in the morning! And, now I'm looking forward to having lots of fun with family and friends in the forthcoming days, starting from today!
About gifts, well, I got to wait for that (!!) But the sweetest thing I can get is a few birthday kisses from my kids early in the morning, as they jump out of their beds to wish their still sleepy mom!
I guess, the way you look at your birthday tells a lot about you as a person. This morning, a friend called me up and asked did I go to the temple in the morning? No, I didn't. For me, God is with me, in my heart. What do I look for in a temple, in the idol, in the Aarti, and the Poja vidhi?
Another aspect of being excited about one's birthday, especially if you have crossed 30, is about how good you feel about yourself? I think, women need to put in a lot of hard work to look pretty, and remain healthy and still balance their home, kids and office work.
So, if you are on the other side of 30, then share with me, how do you feel about your birthday? Does the growing years make you feel good and wiser or do you fear getting old? Many women like to hide their age... I still haven't felt like hiding mine! (It's because each time I tell my age, I see a big surprise on people's face!!!) (hmm, well not to mention those 5-6 grey strands, which is the latest development !!)
But, on a serious note, looks are not about not having wrinkles around your eyes, or a deep laugh line, or about having no or minimal grey hair. It's about your attitude towards life, which gets reflected through your eyes and your face. Remaining happy and positive in any given situation is something which makes you radiate always. It's really important to remember that there are no PROBLEMS, but there are only SITUATIONS. And each situation gives an opportunity to learn and LEARNING is the way of life, and it's not related to age.
Restless would love to hear your do you see physiological age.... ageing.... your birthday... how it should be celebrated as per you..... or how do you celebrate your birthday.
Do share with me and wish me a Happy Birthday too!!!
PS: Not getting much time, and really missing my blogger pals' blog posts. But will be back to you as soon as my life falls in the right track.
Hi ,
Wish You a very Happy B'day! :) once again
Haha ..How I know ummm ..I read somewhere now its your turn to Guess where it can be ;).
Not too tough guess BTW.
Ok a Clue a read it yesterday only.
Just leave that at the moment
enjoy :) the party.
Take care.
Keep smiling.
Wow! Your birthday! Awesome! Happy B'day! Love the excitement in you for your b'day! Life is great when you have friends and family to share your joy with! And age is just a number really!
Have a rocking time!
Wish you happy Birthday.
May god bless you & fulfill your wishes.
Wish you a very Happy birthday. Will turn thirty this May, and already Bollywood has come up a movie as a tribute for the event, "Turning 30" :)
oh...what else can describe 'age' and 'woman'...better than this immortal quote by shakespeare....
"Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale
Her infinite variety; other women cloy...."
for me.. i think, ageing is just a process and with age, we discover the life of things... when everythig that we do, should start making sense..
Happy Birthday Restless! Bless You, and stay restless, that's all I'll wish to you. :)
Blasphemous Aesthete
Happy Birthday to you! :) Loved the tone of the post, excitement in the air.. Hope you had a wonderful day..
Wish you a very very Birthday Restless, wo bhi Happywala..! :)
yenjoyyyyy! :)
Hey girl! A very very happy birthday to you! :D
And you are right... why hide your age! 30 is when life starts getting hot! I turned 33 last month... and threw a big party for my entire family here, complete with a home-made gigantic chocolate cake! Dad found it very amusing that I wanted to celebrate my birthday like that at this age! I was like... "Why not?" ;-)
Check out this post I wrote after my birthday... "On Birthday, Women's Age and Marriage"... I think you'll enjoy reading it!
See ya...
hey restless! a very very happy b'day to u :) I simply loved ur attitude towards the end its the life in ur years that matters. right?
and to be true, i had never imagined u to be 36!!! :P
May almighty bless u with all u desire! :)
Happy Bday !
Hey RS, Happy Happy Birthday dear!
Having known you for sometime now definitely tells me one thing..You are young at heart and matured in your thoughts/way you express, what not!
You have been a good role model for me all this time now!
Do keep up that young spirit in you, and wishing you many many more years of happiness!!
PS: You never told me you are in FB :(
Well, coming to talk about age, I still have a year to reach 30, and I still have long way to go, to reach that maturity level of yours :)
As you say, Birthdays are always fun for me, and I look forward( literally wait) for my next birthday to come, for the fun, surprises, wishes and gifts that come their way!
After marriage, I have started enjoying my birthdays with S. It's a great feeling altogether to grow along with your loved one, and I enjoy and relish those moments every year :)
36 and still young. Wow! Happy birthday. Cheers. :)
Hi Restless,
The other side of Thirty is the best side of Thirty.
Enjoy yourself. Blossom and Bloom.
All the Best
Happy Birthday.
Many happy returns of the day! Age is just a matter of numbers. it is the spirit and the enthu that matter. I know a lady in her 70s, who still enjoys the simple things of life with the same gusto as a teenager. I am way way older than you and I still feel young at heart. Welcome to the club!
You have a tag waiting, girl!
hiiiiiiiiiii restless,wish you a very happy birthday and thank god if not name ,you atleast revealed your age.may glod bless you with wrinkle free skin even with deep smile so that you can smile without thinking about the wrinkles.Keep blogging like this.
Belated b'day wishes:)
Loved the post...
There are specific phases of life when you feel something different. I felt it first when I turned 25! Suddenly there was a feeling OMG, I am no teen anymore and I am into grown-ups leagues. This feeling cropped up again a month back when I turned 30. There was a sense of responsibility, more so I still feel I am a kid. But turning 30 to me meant A grown-up kid with more responsibilities to take care of.
Once again wish you lots of happiness this coming year.
Just like that...
Thank you guys for making me feel so special :)
Vivek - i know, Purba's blog :) thanks!
Addy - thanks! u're my first blogger pal from Indiblogger!
Neeha - Thanks dear :)
Harish - ok! yeah thanks! hmm gotta see this movie!!
Prashant - I was not familiar with this phrase to consulted an online dictionary, here's the result :
A sentence from the play Antony and Cleopatra, by William Shakespeare. A friend of Mark Antony says that Cleopatra is overwhelmingly attractive to men not so much because of her beauty as because of her fascinating unpredictability and range of moods.
Was that a compliment for me?!!
BA - yes, will be restless !!! thanks a ton!!
Vee - thanks dear :)
Niket - thank u... happywala!!
Kaddu - yeah why not ;) hahaha!
thanks a lot dear! will c it surely!
Subtle scribbler - u'r right dear! haha, u know, i'm secretly sooo happy to know this dear :) Made my day!
Jidhu - thanks!
Vaish - thanks so much dear Vaish :) I'm touched by your kind words.
hmm, abt fb, will write u a mail.
Vaish, loved ur second comment too! May u always be happy and blessed!
Prateek - :) thanks!
Vikram Karve - Vikramji, thanks! yeah it gets better as we age!!
Zephyr - thanks :) Oh yes, you sound so fresh and enthusiastic, sometimes we seem to be speaking in the same tone!
Pratibha - ROFL!!!! thanks dear!!!
Animesh - thanks! thanks u shared u views on ageing etc. I liked "grown up kid- at 30"!!
thanks to everyone again!
Hi dear, wish u a very happy (though) belated happy birthday.
And i whole heartledly have to agree that once we have crossed the 30s mark (me included too), the best bday gifts are those which compliment your looks!
wishing you a very happy Birthday.
I totally agree with you that aging is just a number. You are as old as you heart, as old as your spirit, as old as your enthu for life. We have only one life and we should enjoy it to the max. rest assured problems and difficulties will come and go... but in the end having a positive outlook and capacity to bounce back in good spirits is what matters in life.
What better gift than a kiss from your kids..Wish u health and Happiness Always.
This post comes straight from the heart.The optimism is infectious. On my Bday, I am going to buy a new dress from now on..Its a bit late at 44 but better late than never.
Wishing you a very special birthday :)
A very happy birthday to you :)
I generally had the notion that ladies generally don't lie sharing their age but you proved me wrong! ;)
Anyways enjoy life and stay happy always :)
By the way, hope you enjoy reading my post -
To hold you in my arms, to promise you my love!
yo ! :)
You got it right ..while commenting via cell my eyes glued to a word ..there ;).
so how was your B'day grand you celebrated it ,was it Like a 10year old or 16 year or 18 years old girl.
take care.
ks :)
And in other news.... :)
Hey Restless,
Pls promote/vote for my blog at this url:
btw, really cool read. I think, with each bday, one adds on another layer of maturity that helps one to look at things in one's own special way. U definitely go against the stereotype of the many, many women who hide their age n comes across as one who exhibit a high level of maturity (as seen in last few para) but also a unique joie de vivre: a strong love for fun n life as seen all across ur above post. The best wishes fr a fabulous New Year of being u!!! Carpe Diem, ma lady!!
May you remain like this always. True, it is the attitude which matters. If one wishes to communicate with God, one can do so honestly by looking within. As for as I am concerned, well, been there and now on the other side of 60.
Take care
PS : Left comments on previous both the posts too.
Best wishes for the day!Just stay in age of entertaining friend and writer so every time i comment and read the blogs with more interest as you always did.cheers!
Hey Restless. I missed this post. Anyways, belated happy birtday. May all your dreams come true and continue blogging.
"on the otherside of 30" - I'm not. Narrowly missed it ;-)
Still, as you said, I really lost that spirit of the birthday I had when I was in school. May be, now the spirit should rise like a phoenix for our newborn little cute angel, coz all that we look forward to now is occasions. Silly or grand. Just for celebrations. And my birthday will be yet another such opportunity.
And, the way you are maintaining your spirit says, for one, particular truth - that you are very content with your life. May be it so. For ever.
Happy birthday to you :)
love your posts!!
Wish you a very Happy Birthday, Age is just a number and you bought out this feeling so well in your post :)
happy b'day sweet ! jug-jug jiyo !!
Happy Birthday to You!
Wow, well said about woman's age after 30 and looking at the positive perspective. I hated when I have crossed 30 recently. Not sure why, all of a sudden I felt like I became a woman. before 30 I used to treat myself as a kid, though i had kids.
Your post was comforting and am looking forward for my Bday this year to celebrate at the best.
Yum! Yum! Yum!
A very happy b'day to you Restless! The fun has just begun when you cross the fence at 30!
Keep blogging!
Hey Restless! Happy B'day! Loved your way of celebrations especially the morning kisses by kids. I have just finished 29 this Makarsankranti. I also don't like to hide the age. But sometimes I without any reason why shuld i tell the age. As I am single it creates a confusion about my age. Anyway, what I felt this B'day a bit sad i m old now. But woman word looks beautiful than a girl. And this age a complete beauty with a complete personality, thoughts, maturity.And I am still innocent like 5 yr kid and matured like 60 yr woman. From my blogs ppl thought my age from 40 to 70 variation.!
Hi ,New here.felt nice reading you post.Wishing you a "very happy birthday and more lively years ahead"I like the way you live life..That's how it should be ;age at any time should be "no barrier"!
though belated,Sincere happy birthday wishes.
There is a saying "never trust a woman who tells her real age."
may be it was for them who wanted a secret kept, and if confided with such person it would be known every where.:P
Mine is just one day before you 2nd feb.
well written post.
wow! :) belated happy happy b'day!
reading your post made me feel so positive!
i don't celebreate my b'days. but i hate being alone on that day. i hate crowd too. usually i take a day off from work and stay at home with parents. never felt like celebrating it.
but somewhere, there something extraordinary about the way you wrote your post! it made me think-- 'my life is mine, and i must treat it well'! :)
and belated happy b'day once again!
Pooja - thanks dear!! and yes that's one of the best things women love to hear!
Abha - well said.. thanks!
Alka - :) thanks!yeah u must pamper yourself! and yes, life begins at 40!
Nikhil - thanks a lot!
Romeo Das - thanks! will read.
Vivek - it was great! thanks!
RAJ - thanks! thanks again!
Jack - uncle, thanks a lot for the wishes!
Arpana - thanks dear!
Victor - good to hear from you! thanks a lot for the wishes! Yeah do celebrate your birthday too... along with ur little baby! take care!
Geeta - thanks dear!
Arti - welcome! thanks! glad u liked it :)
Varsha - thanks a ton dear Varsha :) dil khush kar diya!!
Mythreyi- welcome here! am so glad u liked it and could relate to it.. yes do celebrate ur birthday and pamper yourself that day :) tc!
Neha Gupta - welcome here! thanks! and yes well said!
Mohinee - Welcome!Yes, there is no need to hide,we can be good in any age... it's in the mind! I have not read u much, but reading ur topics on Indiblogger, even I thought you would be around 40! I mean, it was balanced and mature. So its fine to be simple like a child but mature as a grown up, that's the fun of being 30 and above! So live it girl!
Raji - welcome here dear! thanks a lot... made my day! yes age should never be a barrier between u and way you want to live your life :)
Likemymusings - welcome :)
haha! never heard that quote!! yeah surely it meant that a woman who is not able to hide her age, cannot hide anything!! no no dear, here I have deliberately told my age!!!! haha! but good one!
and belated birthday wishes to u too :)
Matangi Mawley - Hey! nice to c ur comment here!
Yes, it's ur life, and u r special, so must treat and pamper yourself in a special way, especially on ur birthday... shop for new dress etc beforehand, plan a little get together, cut a cake and have lots of fun! We all deserve that happiness... but the best part is to be with people who are close to us and who mean a lot to us... so make everyone part of your celebration.
Hope u'll have a good time this year on ur birthday, do share with me :)
Wish you a belated Happy B'day!
Wishing a great year ahead to the ageless beauty :)
haha thanks Shas!
Hey restless, real belated birthday wishes.. and love this statement 'there are no PROBLEMS, but there are only SITUATIONS.'... amazing!!..
This post made me feel to celebrate my birthday next year. Very inspiring and interesting read.
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